
How to use private JS class variables

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Private class variables in JavaScript

Private variables in JavaScript is gaining browser support. As I right this, it’s supported in ~63% of browsers. You can use the Babel plugin @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties to transform it into cross-browser code, though. Let’s take a look at how you can use private variables in ES6 classes.

Private fields - basics

You can declare private fields in ES6 classes by prefixing the variable name with a #, like so:

class Counter {
  #value = 0;
  increase() {
  value() {
    return this.#value;

This class repersents a counter with a value that can only be increased. Here’s how you can use it:

const c = new Counter;
console.assert(c.value() === 3);

You can’t do any of these things, due to privacy rules which prevent any usage of private variables outside of the class declaration:

const c = new Counter;
c.#value = 3; // can't do since not in a class function
c.decrease = () => this.#value--; // can't do since not in class declaration

Private functions

You can make private functions too:

class Computer {
  #bios =    function () { /* ... */ }
  #loadRam = function () { /* ... */ }
  #loadOs =  function () { /* ... */ }
  turnOn() {

You can call the turnOn method, but you can’t call #bios, #loadRam, or #loadOs by themselves. Private functions can also access private variables.

Variable without inital value

You can avoid setting an intial value by omitting the = ... part:

class Example {

Static private variables

You can set static private variables, which can be used by static functions of the class, private functions of the class, and non-static methods:

class Example {
  static #password = "hunter1";
  // all of these functions return "hunter1"
  static #privateGetPassword = () => this.#password;
  static staticGetPassword() {
    return this.#password;
  static privateGetPassword() {
    return this.#privateGetPassword();
  getPassword() {
    return Example.#password;

Square bracket notation doesn’t work

Confusingly, it’s possible to have two private variables that start with # in a class. Private variables cannot be accessed with square bracket notation (e.g. this['varName']), but if you attempt to do so you’ll be able to set a public variable that starts with #. This means that you can have two variables with the same name! Make sure you avoid square brackets when working with private variables, otherwise you’ll get some hard-to-fix bugs.